It was a very interesting morning to say the least.  YHC has a workout planned and stuck to it, but did not seem to start off right.  As soon as YHC woke up and got ready, noticed that the AC in the house was not working.  After thinking about that all morning, YHC realized just had to go on and deal with it when I got home. Pulled up to a few PAX and a few more rolled in.  Had a solid number this morning with 1 FNG, so disclaimer was given and we began!

The Thang

High Knees ICx15

Suzanne Somers ICx15

Workout got messed up here(We were supposed to listen to the song “I Get Knocked Down, But I get up again” and do a burpee every time we heard those lyrics and do Side-Strattle Hop on down time. Song did not work, so had to improvise so we did 10 burpees OYO.) YHC became even more frazzled than before, but just went with it.

Run to pull-up bars and do 5 pull-ups and run over the bridge by EC Cats.  Wanted to switch up from the normal run and add some different terrain.  YHC believes he accomplished this, because our brother digahole asked if we switched this for Tuesday’s Run Strong!  Rinse and repeat twice then meet back at the flag.  YHC led Mary for the 6.

Mosey to bottom of the hill.  The focus here was to keep up the heart rate and try to sprint with your partner.  Start with 20 Merkins, sprint to the circle, 20 Squats, sprint around the baseball field 20 LBC’s.  Rinse and Repeat twice

Mosey to baseball field fence and alternate Balls to the Wall (led by Cousin It) and people’s chair (Led by YHC). Mumblechatter was high from some folks, but none louder than….. This time YHC realized we have been doing people’s chair all wrong!!  Wimpie gladly let me know we should not be able to do it that long, if your doing it right.  YHC obliged and asked him to lead a round and sure enough I got even lower before, so guess he was right!  (Hope he does not see it so his head gets any bigger! You the man Wimpie!)

Finish up at the flag with 10 more burpees (after another failed attempt with the song) and some Mary.

Prayer Requests

My Wife and I are traveling to Nashville for a anniversary trip.  Pray for safe travels and her Grandparents whom are keeping our 2.0 while we get away.

Stitches wife waiting to hear about job opportunities.


YHC had not Q’d in 3 weeks, so last night when making this workout, wanted to make sure everything was prepared and ready to go.  Everything seemed to go well, until waking up this morning and the AC in the house not working, workout getting a little off track from my plan, to coming home and finding out my 2.0 is under the weather.  Seems for a Monday, it has not gone the way YHC has wanted or had hoped especially with my M and I’s anniversary trip coming up, but I took a minute to realize that everything happens for a reason and God is in control.  The most important thing to me is God and my family and there is not anything I would not do for them.  YHC has learned many lessons the hard way and easy way, but the most important one that always comes to be is God is in control and my life verse that seems to always come to me is Phillipians 4:13 ” I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.” F3 keep me going and I could not be more blessed to be a part of this.


TClap |