As I was planning the workout we had some ruminants of rain from Maria falling.  I was not sure how wet the ground was going to be and I did expect it to be raining in the morning.  The morning was great although a bit damp on the ground.  0530 stuck, disclosure was given…..and we were off.

Warm UP

20 ssh, 20 good mornings, 10 slow merkins

The Thang:

Small rock pile for travel rocks.

1/2 mile run around the circle and meet back at the wall in the middle and partner up.  Partner A each spoke out to the main hub (perimeter side walk) while partner B excesses the flip flop.  Exercises are squats, lunge jumps, WW!, and LBCs

Mosey to the hill for 11s- Lunch down the hill, Dirkens at the bottom, backward bear crawl up the hill then squats at the top.

Find your partner for partner high knees while doing peoples chair on the fence.

return rocks and back to the flag for Mary (American hammer, box cutters and 5 buprees OYO)

Prayers-Popeye wife travels, people of Puerto Rico, Battelships in-laws

Announcements-Friday the 13th NEW AO-3rd St School.







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