Zucker and I (Aquaman) signed up and ran our first 1/2 marathon in Kinston this morning. For me it was truly a CSAUP event. Now Zucker smoked it with a 1 hour and 42 minute time. I on the other hand had some trouble. My goal was to run the event and under 2 hours. The first 8 miles went good, miles 8 – 10 I start to slow down my pace. Now after mile 10 my hips started to hurt and I felt like stopping. I never could see the 11 mile marker, so after the 10 mile marker my mind and body hit the wall, and I almost started walking. I thought there was no way to reach my goal. But then all of a sudden I saw the 12 mile marker so I got a second wind and pushed on through. The best feeling was when I came into the stadium and heard my buddy Zucker yelling my name. I was very surprised to see that I finished the race at 1:57.

It was a great event. We need more brothers next year.  The coolest thing is that my medal has an ironclad on it and it is also a bottle opener. I discovered that when I got home so I had to put it to use. I think Kinston would be a great place to expand F3.

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