Eagles Ridge Round 2 today at Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium Gate 6.

Twelve men braved the Crab Cage today for my VQ! Brought one FNG out for my VQ, welcome Fault-line! We survived getting wet and dirty like real crabs.

“The highest treason a crab can commit is to make a leap for the rim of the bucket (cage)”. No treason committed today!

We started out with warm up: In honor of today being the 21st we did a lot of 21’s in cadence starting with:

1)Side Stradle Hops 2) Burpees 3) Arm Circles forward and backward (big and small) 4) Hallelujahs 5) Imperial Squat Walkers 6) World War 2 sit-ups 7) Flutter kicks 8) Guantanamo 9) James Bonds 10) American Hammer 11) Crab Cakes 12) Dry Dock Crabs 13) Michael Phelps

2) Short run to Minges Parking lots: Suicide runs with odd number parking spaces each getting 3 Squats and even number spaces each getting 3 Merkins

3) Suicide run half way thru parking spaces and then full length of parking spaces

4) Short Run back to flag: Partnered up and in groups of two did 100 Merkins, 150 Squats, and 200 Hallelujuahs. As one of person worked on the sets listed the other partner bear crawled/lunges halfway around circle and ran the second half

5) Finished up with 21 Imperial Squat Walkers and of course finished with 21 Crab Crakes

Prayer Requests:

All the ECU students returning to classes along with other schools starting in the Pitt County, PAX relative with recovering from neck surgery, Hot Spots co-workers in Christian business.

Prayer by VQ Soft Shell


PAX lunch at 12 today at Mike’s Deli on 10thSt.

Hot Pursuit Bible Study Tuesday evenings starting new series

Eagle’s Ridge Next Tuesday Same Time and Same Place (Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium Gate 6) with your Q Salty!

It was great to have FNG Daniel Boynton Fault-line join us. He followed through on his commitment to join us this morning and did very well. It’s an honor to lead and serve with these F3 men. Thank you to Cold Cut for designating me at the VQ for today and for Hot Spot for the F3 invitation.

“You cannot teach a crab to walk straight”



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