• When: 8/13/2016
  • QIC: Misty
  • Pax: ,
  • FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNG - Bullwinkle Carterico - Steamer, Jang-a-lang, Dip Stick, Doogie, Chance Davis AKA Paige, Kuechly, Reproducer, Fike Griffin AKA Chainsaw, Suarez, Sterling Davis AKA Kid Rock, Luke Dodd AKA Teachers Pet, The Second Mile, Derrick Warren AKA Ikea, Boris, Gerturde, The Singing Cowboy, Flip-ova.

Things started a little slow as YHC walked back to the staging ground at the Dunes Club parking lot around 6:40 with only Gertrude in the parking lot…it wouldn’t be long before a van, literally full of 2.0’s and FNG’s rolled up to quickly up the level of the morning workout…Reproducer was certainly aptly named.  Overall a strong and surprisingly youthful PAX of 19 showed up at the Dunes Club for Slick Cam beat down.  Within our PAX we had 7 2.0’s who kept the older members of the PAX rolling all morning, additionally we had five FNG’s ranging from 7 years old (Bullwinkle) to 41 (Ikea).

This is how it went down…or as best as I can remember…it was over a week ago…Thanks for the continuance Jang.

Disclaimer was given in the parking lot and a mosey ensued, the 2.0’s quickly sprinted out to the front, although I’m certain none of them had any clue where we were going or what would be up next.   We proceeded to Steamers Polo ground in front of the Dunes Club and began a spirited Warmarama as follows…which also included a five Burpee set to Welcome Steamer to the field, with the Slick Cam flag (Full disclaimer YHC forgot the flag and Steamer did assist in deliver.)

Sungods X 20

HR Merkins X 20

Windmills X 20

HR Merkins X 15

Windmills X 20

HR Merkins X 10

Monkey Humpers X 15

HR Merkins X 5

Imperial Walkers X 20

At this point the PAX looked a little frustrated, confused, and concerned…however we continued along with a mosey to the Ol’ Oceanana Pier, with the smell of fresh cooked bacon mixing with stale beer (at least I hope that’s what we smelled?) from the previous nights masquerades under the pier we began a Piling Bear Crawl up the Pier, quickly we started shedding PAX members as we progressed up the dune.  A 30 count Al Gore was our recovery position, followed by a progression back to the starting point for a round of the following;

30 Count Balls to the Wall (Quick Lube was in now way quick in his countdown and literally smoked the whole pax on round one)

30 Count Peoples Chair

30 Count Balls to the Wall

30 Count Peoples Chair

30 Count Balls to the Wall

30 Count Peoples Chair.

A quick turn around for a 100 yard Burpee Progression back and forth between Dunes Club and the Pier starting at 10 Burpee’s and progressing all the way to 1 Burpee, somewhere around the 3-4 Burpee count Dipper rolled up to Dunes Club…I wasn’t sure if he was double posting or trying to stake out the optimal lounge chair positing for later in the morning…At anyrate, T-Claps to Dipper for the double post. We held for the 6 in the Peoples Chair and a Jailbreak was called back to the Lifeguard stand at Dunes Club, needless to say it was more of a Mosey than a Jailbreak by this point and the 2.0’s had a dazed and confused look in their eyes.

After a short water break we partnered up for some slaloms between the PVC poles on the Dunes Club Beach.  Partner A would perform a workout while Partner B progressed through the PVC poles, switch assignments and continue until complete.  It went like this:

Workout Partner A

Mt Climber



Catalina Wine Mixers


Workout Partner B

Bear Crawl

Backward Bear Crawl (Awful beyond measure in soft sand)

Sideways Bear Crawl

Crab Walk

High Knees

At this point the whole PAX, including YHC was looking at their watches or coming up with excuses to modify, but we continued forward with two lines of Over Under’s with the 2.0’s in one line facing the rest of the PAX and we progressed back toward the Pier and the Shovel Flag, approximately 3 rotations for the Non-2.0’s.  We picked up our Shovel flag and began an Indian Run passing the flag along to the lead man toward the West and back, in the process completely disrupting a family photo shoot under the Pier, sorry Warenda’s…Gert decided to completely bust up the shoot on the way back, I’m sure they have a really nice memory of that to hold onto.  We then proceeded to the Polo Grounds for a quick Mary of Plankorama and proceed to name our Mini PAX of FNG’s Announcements, and the Prayer.  To be honest I did all I could do to remember the workout, I have no clue about the Announcements (They would certainly be dated now).  Quick Lube took the Pax out with a strong finish.

It was an honor to lead the Pax last Saturday and a lot of fun with all the 2.0’s and FNG’s….let’s keep both groups coming out, they strengthen us all.


TClap |