I don’t always Q but when I do, I try to do things that I don’t particularly like to push myself and challenges the other PAX members. Site Q, Circuit Rider, answered my challenge put on the Twitter Machine by saying we could swap Q’s for this week. YHC humbly agreed and a plan started to form. I always say I do not like running but will still go to RunStrong and one time, Abu, heard me and said, “You know how you get better at it, by doing it.” So that is what inspired the workout that would take place, some running and a beatdown. YHC rolled up to the FirstAid where Charlie Brown and Shrimp were in a deep discussion. Shovel Flag was planted and waited for 5:30 and the following took place:


Charlie Brown stating that him, Shrimp and Splinter were going to do their “Mall Walk”.

YHC just looked at the other 5 PAX members and said “follow me”

Da Thang

PAX ran to bleachers at Elm Street park

B.L.I.M.P.S took place next- YHC was struggling this morning with counting but thank goodness Stern and Boston Lager were able to assist

Run to top of bleachers and back down and complete the following exercises:

B- Burpees (5)

L- Lungs (10) Each leg counted as 1 or 5 each leg

I- Imperial Walkers (10) 2 legs for 1

M- Merkins (20)

P- Plank Jacks (20)

S- Squats (30)

Plank for the six

Wasting no time, YHC announced that we’d be on the move again and moseyed to the bottom of college hill

3 sets of 5 pull-ups (modification: Fat boy pull-ups) and 10 WW I

Moseyed to the street where PAX would change up running backwards and sprinting up the hill until reaching breeze way at the top-

With time left each PAX picked a column and did 2 sets of Balls to the Wall (30 and 40 count) and Peoples Chair ( 30 and 40 count)

Legs were hopefully burning at this point and back to the flag was called….. not so fast (Lee Corso voice) As PAX crossed the street, meet at the bus stop was called

LBC’s 50 count IC under bus stop then a up and around the stairs at the Murphy Center

Time was winding down so as YHC told PAX to “Have a nice day” and the PAX was laid out

Count-o-rama and name-o-rama with CoopMilers


This was a different COT than normal due to having the PAX members of the CoopMile join in and we were 21 strong minus 2 that were putting in extra miles.

Prayer Request: Ailing PAX member Hot Pursuit (should and back) and Mr. Belding (eye). Pongs mother passing. Safe travel for all this weekend and week due to the upcoming Holiday. String Bean and trying to get diversity into F3


Sasquatch sign up

Whetstone checkups

Thank you to Circuit Rider for letting me Q this morning and the PAX members that showed up. It was great seeing all the PAX members at the end in the COT and how impactful it was. If you haven’t Q’d in a while or still haven’t broken that cherry of Q’ing, DO IT!!! Get out of your comfort zone and make yourself uncomfortable. Personally it’s the only way to get better by doing things you don’t like and pushing yourself. Hope all PAX have a safe and happy 4th of July!!

TClap |