YHC must have missed the message that there was a big convergence this am or his normal Pax have finally had enough of his Monday Morning shenanigans. Whatever the reason DFS was like a ghost town this am in the gloom. After several weeks of solid numbers I was a little concerned but the I remembered that Dig A Hole was having his VQ this am at BLP. At 5:25 I had come to the realization that it was going to be just me so I decided to plant the flag and go for a hike. As I was pulling the flag out of my truck Lemonhead came riding up. We briefly discussed the situation at hand and decided that a hike through the neighborhoods would be a nice change of pace and would give us some great cardio and leakage. I am putting my planned workout on hold until next week as it would have been hard to do with just two. We warmed up with a few stretches and then we took off for our hike. We kept a very consistent fast walking pace which in the end netted a little over two miles. We stopped to throw in some merkins and dips along the way just to keep it real.

Prayer request were given and yhc prayed us out.

Moleskin: This was the second time that I had the pleasure of being a part of a two man post. The first time was with one of my great friends Skully on a very cold Sunday morning. Both times I really enjoyed the chance to bond even closer with one of my Brothers. There is definently something special about working your way through a workout with one of your Brothers sweating beside you. The time that you get to talk during the two man post is priceless. You learn so much more about that Brother that you did not know. Lemonhead and I definently know more about each other after a hike in the gloom together. I love leading the large Pax gatherings but sometimes a party of two is all you need!

TClap |