YHC arrived at the site at 0510 to see Easy Rider headed to our meeting destination. YHC walked over to the question of, “What are we doing today?” YHC replied, “Do you want the whole truth? Or part of the truth?” Hahaha! YHC made sure to have the Q this morning at the Stadium, as a few PAX and myself were having our first day of school for the first time in almost 2 weeks. YHC wanted the Q to get Monday morning kickstarted and off to a glorious beginning. The beatdown did just that!

Warm Up

  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Good Mornings x 15 IC

The Thang

YHC instructed the PAX to mosey over the end of the stadium parking lot (The closest one can possibly be to C.M. Eppes, but still be in the stadium parking lot.)

However, YHC did not inform the PAX that we would be trekking all the way to Elm Street Park, to keep the mumblechatter down. Evil? Perhaps so.

The PAX stopped periodically to keep the PAX together in 2 instances. YHC led mountain climbers and carolina dry docks IC at these stops.

The real fun began when the PAX arrived at Elm Street Park.

Using the steep hill by Marvin’s Mini-Mart and the parking spots as a starting point….

  • 1st parking lane: 6 Merkins, Sprint up the hill, 6 jump squats, job back down to the next parking spot.
  • 2nd parking lane: 6 Ranger Merkins, Sprint up the hill, 6 jump squats, job back down to the next parking spot.
  • 3rd parking lane: 6 Crucible Merkins, Sprint up the hill, 6 jump squats, job back down to the next parking spot.
  • 4th parking lane: 6 Staggered Merkins, Sprint up the hill, 6 jump squats, job back down to the next parking spot.

After these were completed, YHC setup a figure 8 style course for the PAX. 4 loops were completed.

  • Starting at the bottom of the hill, go up take a right down the steps, an immediate left going across the bleachers, then a left to go back up into the parking lot, a left back down the stairs, then an immediate right to take the PAX back to the bottom of the hill.
    • 3 burpees at the bottom of the hill
    • 15 big boy dips on the bleachers
    • 15 reps of exercise of choice

YHC led Plank-o-rama for the six to come in. Once the six was in, PAX completed an Indian Run back to the Stadium parking lot.

Once in the stadium parking lot, YHC led Wheel of Merkin on the curb… (Start with 5 Irkins, turn your body 90 degrees to the right… left hand and left foot should be on the curb… 5 more merkins, then 5 derkins, and 5 merkins with right hand and right foot on the curb.)

PAX then moseyed closer to the flag, but just enough to keep it in sight…. PAX complete burpee broad jumps (Instead of jumping straight up, you launch into a broad jump and back into the bottom of a burpee) across 10 parking lanes TWICE!! Evil? Perhaps so…

With 2 minutes to spare, YHC rushed the PAX to the stairwell to complete 1 set of climbing irkins. Climb the stairs in a merkin position, while completing a irkin at each step. PAX arrived back to the flag right on time!

Prayer Requests:

  • Steel Curtain’s son in a Little League incident. Looking to be a full recovery.
  • Easy Rider’s friend diagnosed with cancer.


Zoolander has his VQ this Thursday at #TheRush


Great push by all today! YHC really wanted to bring the pain to himself this morning after taking it easy over Spring Break. The PAX may have been caught in the crosshairs, but prevailed in the end!

– Hat Trick

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