With the GORUCK event coming up YHC has been trying to get as many miles/PT workouts as possible to be ready, so what better way than to Q Ruck Ready.

YHC’s plan was simple, Ruck about a quarter of a mile, stop and do 4-5 PT workouts, we got around 2 miles and did 30 plus exercises repeating a few at some of the stops.

Merkins, American Hammers, V ups, WW2’s, Flutter Kicks, Mountain climbers, Thrusters, Ruck Swings, CPR, Squat/Curls, Curls, Overhead press, triceps extensions and sure i am forget some.

YHC wants to thank everyone that come out this morning and helped YHC learn and grow.

Prays for Bench’s Mom and Brother, 2-Stop, Softshell, and Little EJ.

RB out!

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