0440 EC Ruck


50- SSH with ruck IC- The PAX was not very happy with me on this one….

The Thang

Plank while each PAX tells why they are in F3.

Coupons used: 4- 60# sand bags

I gave instructions to the first TL (Dex). A time hack to the bench behind the jungle gym.

We did not make the time hack.

20- 4 count merkins IC

20-4 count monkey humpers IC

20- 4 count mountain climbers IC

Since we didn’t make the time hack, there was a casualty, Patch. We must carry him during the second movement with another time hack. New TL- Conch Fritter. Next location is the soccer goal in the very back field. 3 man carry the casualty with 1 man rotating in to help. The rest of the group rotated the 4-60# sand bags. TL can not carry coupon.

We did not make the time hack.

Pile up rucks and line up side to side. This is essentially American Hammers wile passing rucks down the line. Feet in the air 6 inches while sitting up. We needed some practice so we passed the rucks down and back twice.

20- 4 count squats IC

20- 4 count overhead presses IC

20- 4 count ruck curls IC

Penalty for not making the time hack, another casualty, Bono. New TL- Negative Ghost Rider. Next location is the picnic tables.

This made things a little interesting. With limited PAX to rotate, there was not enough men to 3-man carry both casualties, therefore had to change the plan and go to Fireman’s carry. 4 man team rotated on the 2 casualties while the other PAX carried the extra rucks and sand bags. More weight with less men to rotate in and out of coupons and casualties. This was a difficult movement but executed flawlessly by the men. Communication was key and they did a good job with it. Big props to the men who were on the Fireman’s Carry rotation. Absolute beasts!

The 2 casualties did not seem to slow the group down. They were doing such a great job, halfway to the final location I allowed one of the casualties to come back to life.

10 elephant walks IC. (standing position, bend over and put hands on ground. walk your hands out as far as you can go then walk your hands back to your feet.)

3,4,5 of each Merkins, Derkins, Irkins. Rinse and repeat.

Ruck back up to the front parking lots. Enough time to circle it once.

0615 Endex

Prayer Requests

Classified- Injured back

Jock itch – morning sickness

Joker’s nephew Levi- Cancer

Web Gem’s mom’s boss Dr. Sellars- having surgery on pancreatic cancer

Bearded Jester’s father in law is having a “Cabbage Done” Coronary Artery Bypass

Laughinghouse Family

Praise- Negative Ghost Rider’s test exams


116- 1st ruck  workout- Pied Piper will be your fearless leader


I have give it to these guys. They pushed themselves hard today. My goal was to introduce stress into the workout and have us work though it as a team. We had no time hack.  I planned on having casualties no matter how fast we went. When less and less men were available for rotation, these guys held it together, put a plan in place, and executed that plan. A major part of growing as a person is getting out of your comfort zone. There is a great feeling of accomplishment when you look back at what you thought was tough and see you were able to tackle the problem or task at hand. Every PAX stepped up today and got after it. Well Done



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