YHC has had in his mind to bring back an oldie but goodie to run strong for a while.  Today was the day to bring it back.  A small but strong PAX of 5 beat the fart sack.

Warm Up:

High knees IC

Boston Butts IC

The Thang:

YHC instructed the PAX to head to the Green Way at ESP behind the stadium.  The PAX would complete 10 merkins and 10 squats, and then run up the Green way until 10th street.  This time the PAX completed 15 merkins and 15 squats.  Rinse and Repeat back to the start of the run at ESP.  The PAX would continue this until around 6:10, while going up by increments of 5 on the exercises at the end of each leg (holding at 25).

With 5 minutes left the PAX did hill repeats at the bottom of the parking lot at ESP.  We actually got in over 3 miles.

Prayer Requests:

Aquaman’s mother will be getting the biopsy results back on Friday.

Flip Turn’s father-in-law is having surgery.

Pray for all of the kids back in school.


9/11 Convergence at the parking deck.  All other AO’s cancelled.

It was great to see Polygraph out again.  You rocked it my man!  Hope to see you out again in the gloom.

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