YHC arrived at Gate 5 at 5:15 to find Steamy waiting.  We exchange Good Mornings and moseyed to the Gate 5 starting spot.  Soon other PAX started to roll in.  We were looking for someone with a shovel flag and there was not one to be found.  As the clock struck 5:30, Cold Cut rolled in and saved the day by planting his shovel flag.  This is when YHC had the duh huh moment of needing his own flag.  YHC and Steamy hatched a plan to build YHC a shovel flag this coming weekend and off to the races we went.


Right arm across, Left arm across, Right arm overhead, Left arm overhead 10 count each

Straddle Stretch (right leg, left leg, middle) 10 count each

Good Mornings 15 IC


Arm circles 30 IC


Fitness Test
AMRAP merkins 2 minutes
Recover 30 second rest
AMRAP WWII Sit Ups 2 min
Recover 30 second rest
AMRAP step ups 4 minutes

Mosey to the Wall

Peoples Chair 10 count each PAX

Mosey to Murphy Mountain (Moseying was jogging or fast walking today)

Triple Nickel : Plank Jacks & Imperial Walkers

Mosey over to Minges field


50 – Burpees

100 – Overhead Claps

150 – Merkins

200 – Big Boy Situps

250 – Squats

Mosey to the Flag for:

Count Off

Prayer Request: Spell Checks Wife (Mandy) starting Chemo, T-Bones Cousin Suicide, Easy Rider and others issues raising teen agers, Hot Pursuit Travel Saftey, Butterworth Crosswalk Saftey.

BOM – Prayer by YHC

Announcements: Butterworth Q Friday,  Shovel Flag Building Workshop Saturday at Strokes House, Mini Sasquatch Sunday Town Commons 6AM.


YHC knew he was going to need to bring it after seeing tweets Cold Cut put out on the tweeter machine.  After hearing the mumblechatter during the workout it must have been pretty good. One Pax was heard saying “Good Workout Q, I know it was good because it SUCKED!”  The BOMBS really seemed to be a PAX favorite! Ha Ha! Hot Pursuit posted on twitter This horse was ready for the glue factory after that workout.  What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!  Iron Sharpens Iron! All 11 PAX worked hard! Mission Accomplished!

Skully Out!

TClap |