My apologies for the late backblast. YHC was preparing to post it on Thursday evening when I got the news of Papa’s passing. Needless to say it just took the wind out of my sails. At 5:30, five #Clydesdales posted at #Stronghold, the disclaimer was given and off we went.


Side straddle hops x20
Don Quixotes x15
Good Mornings x15
Arm Circles

The Thang

Mosey to the meadow for some good old fashioned BLIMPS. Starting at one end of the meadow and stopping at each light pole:
Burpees X5
Lunges x10
Imperial Walkers x15
Merkins x20
Plankjacks x25
Squats x30
*Rinse and repeat!

Mosey to the big hill and partner up for some DORA 1-2-3: 100 Merkins, 200 WW2s, 300 Squats

First partner completes exercises at the top of the hill while the second partner runs to the bottom of the hill and back up. Cold Cut and Skully formed the RESPECT team and smoked everybody, Easy Rider and YHC ran the slow and steady race, and Crack Corn went lone wolf like a BOSS!

Moseyed back to the benches in front of the ECU HOF for a combo of dips and Hallelujahs that I picked up from one of Aquaman’s beatdowns. We start with 1 dip followed by 4 Hallelujahs, and added a dip and 4 more Hallelujahs with each set. Made it to 8 dips and 32 Hallelujahs before moseying back to the flag and closing out with a couple minutes of MARY.

Dying cockroaches x15
Slinkies x15


Andy having open heart surgery.
Michael and family who’s dad is dying
Jeff Bell’s heart surgery
Spell Check’s M, Mandy
Steve’s dad in hospice
Leslie’s dad battling leukemia
Easy Rider’s brother Steve having life challenges
Cold Cut’s son
Buford’s Boy Scout trip to Washington D.C.
(Apologies to Cold Cut and Crack Corn…lack of oxygen to the brain does crazy things!)


VQ for Easy Rider at next week’s Clydesdales
Sasquatch t-shirt orders
Helpers for Sasquatch in June


Strong showing by the PAX who really pushed it today. We did good work, we laughed, and most importantly, we pressed on. I hope we did Papa proud. Iron sharpens iron. Aye!

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