Apologies for the late backblast! I normally have them up the same day, but time got away from YHC over the long Easter weekend! I took the Q for Clydesdales and decided to do a workout that I did a few months ago using a deck of playing cards and the stadium gates. It provides a good mix of exercises and also some good 2nd F as we’re moseying between gates.

Here’s how it works: We go around the stadium and draw two cards at each gate and complete the exercises on the cards. I took the face cards from the deck and assigned exercises and reps to each one. Hearts = plank jacks, clubs = jump squats, spades = WW2s, and diamonds = Merkins. Jacks x10 reps, Queens x15, Kings x20, and Aces = Burpees x number of the gate we were at.  Joker cards were wild which meant the PAX that drew the card could choose an exercise and # of reps. For good measure, I threw in a few random cards for lunges to the next gate, 30 squats, 1 minute of Butkiss, and 20 side straddle hops.  Since Clydesdales is non-running, the PAX were instructed to mosey or fast walk at their best pace to each gate. 8 PAX (including 1 FNG) anted up at the shovel flag and at 0530 we did that thang we do so well!


Side straddle hops x20
Don Quixotes x20
Imperial Walkers x20

The Thang

Gate 5: Plank Jacks x15, Lunge to the next gate
Gate 6: Jump Squats x20, SSH x20
Gate 7: WWs2 x20, Squats x30
Gate 8: Burpees x8, Plank Jacks x20
Gate 9: Hallelujahs x100 (Wild Card), Burpees x9
Gate 10: WW2s x15, Burpees x10
Gate 1: Burpee x1, Shoulder Tap Merkins x20 (Wild Card)
Gate 2: Jump Squats x15, Plank Jacks x10
Gate 3: Squats x30, 1 minute of Butkiss
Gate 4: Merkins x15, Lunge to shovel flag

By the time, we made it back around to Gate 5, it was 0615 on the nose.


Everybody travelling over Easter weekend
Easy Rider’s family with various illnesses
Friend of YHC whose aunt is facing major surgery at the end of the month for cancer.
Flapjack’s neighbor having surgery
Cold Cut’s son finding direction


Easter service and workout at Town Common
Tailgating for spring football game on 4/22

Strong showing by the PAX and lots of good 2nd F and mumble chatter along the way! Also, welcome to our FNG, Easy Rider! Aye!!!

TClap |