YHC arrived on the brisk morning after being headlocked to Q by Ratched. Miss that guy. The EC crew was finishing up and..

Circle up . Disclaimer given and UHC repeated mission of F3 and that with our growth it is always good to go back to basics. Talked about what each F stands for and that we always pick up the six but never leave them where they are. So we did a few choice exercises and worked on announcing them in proper order, picking up the 6 and having every pax lead at least 2 exercises to get used to it. There is NO WARM UP in F3 so we moseyed to first stop. Some PAX seemed to think Cold Cut was the Q and stayed back at the circle but eventually they caught up.

YHC led 5 merkins IC, 10 squats IC, 15 plank jacks IC emphasizing Next exercise is, Starting position move, in cadence , exercise, halt, recover . Begin next.

Mosey to next stop. COAT HANGER abandoned the #stormtroopers today and did the full boot camp. He is a stud. Lunge to tree then bear crawl to second tree. Continued same exercises and count and added 20 dips IC and 2 more stops. Ran across road to elementary school for more of the same and same at the playground. Started changing some counts and added a few new exercises like Irkins. Mosey to Stadium. Line up on wall. Peoples Chair, hands in the air, 5 count each pax. Really good instruction here by Ma Bell. Bear Crawl to Trailer and lunge back. Balls to the Wall 5 count each. Reverse.
Mosey to road in front of Towne Tower. Line up by age 30’s. 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Sprint to second light pole and back and tag pax who will do same. Coat Hanger is a sprinter.

mosey to taft area. on your six. Flutter kicks, freddy mercury, hello dolly, etc. Mosey to pirate statue. Irkins, Dips, Step ups. Mosey to flag. Ma Bell leads Mary. END


Great morning. Cold drizzle kept us alert through most of the workout. Repeated mission PLANT GROW SERVE, small group mens workouts, invigorate male community leadership. That invigoration is a tough word. Prayer for two stop, wild thing, Steamy in hospital with pneumonia, many other pax with physical ailments. Prayers for those struggling with money, alcohol, drugs, relational issues- M, 2.0, etc. Praise for Coat Hanger today doing the workout with the PAX. This guy posts so consistently and he took it to the next level today. I think Show Boat promised him a leg massage later. Short Round takes over as site Q tomorrow at #FirstAid so come support him. New site Q Monday at #Mash so be there.

Reach out to some Kotters. Pied Piper and Jock Itch mentioned today. Love God, love your neighbors and brothers, work hard at your vocation . Turn off the TV, Social Media, Politics, etc. etc. etc. NONE of those things will be long term positive for any of us. Love all of you.

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