Cold Cut ask YHC when he would like to Q the Clydesdales workout and when YHC saw Thursday fell on his birthday what better day to Q?  Thinking back about prior workouts at the stadium and brothers like Papa and Rev that lead them, YHC wanted to bring back parts of workouts from each in honor of each of us turning the Big 50 this year.  Steamy and Cold Cut arrived shortly after YHC and I thought it may be just the 3 Amigos this day but just as the clock stuck 5:30 Puppet Master rolled up, disclaimer was given and off we went.

STRETCHING (hold for 10 count)

Cross arm (R & L)

Reach over shoulder (R & L)

Stretch to right leg

Stretch to left leg

Stretch down the middle

Reach for the sky


Smurf Jacks 25 IC

Good Mornings 25 IC


Mosey to the front of Minges

Merkins 50 OYO – Chilicut for 6

Mosey to the front corner of the pool

WWI or WWII Sit Ups OYO – Plank for 6

Mosey to the back corner of the pool

Hillbillies 50 OYO – Al Gore for 6

Mosey to the tennis courts

11s with Merkins and squats

Mosey to Minges alley

Peoples Chair 10 count each member of the PAX and run it back.

Mosey to the Pirate

At Benches 50 dips, 50 step-ups

Mosey to Murphy Mountain

Triple Nickel –  5 rounds or 5 Imperial Walkers & 5 Squats with a Mosey up and down in between

Mosey to the Flag

Steamy called Dying Cock Roaches IC 50 count keeping the 50 theme for the Q’s Birthday.

Count o rama

Name o rama

Prayer Request:

Salvador – Church Member of Puppet Master needs Liver Transplant

Jerry – Husband of Steamy’s Coworker

PAX injuries and Recovery – Steamy, Joker, Coach K, Cold Cut, and Crack Corn.

Papa Smurf


Grow Ruck

Headlock PAX you haven’t seen to encourage them to return to the gloom!


Great work by the PAX today!  We all pushed ourselves and each other today and also got in some second F along the way.  The stadium will always hold a special place it the heart of YHC as this site was originally conceived by Papa Smurf as a non-running AO which YHC needed and where many great friendships have grown for YHC!  Join the Clydesdales for fellowship and a quality beatdown every Thursday.  You won’t be disappointed!  Hope to see you in the gloom again soon!

Skully out!

TClap |