YHC arrived at the stadium with two minutes to spare and a PAX of 7 waiting on their Q. YHC confessed to the PAX that the snooze button was pressed a couple of times this morning. Shovel Flag had already been planted by Cold Cut so we circled up and began warm ups at 5:30 sharp.

Warm up:
Side Straddle Hops IC, Don Quixote IC, Bobby Hurleys OYO, Arm Circles IC, 5 Burpees OYO (Puppet Master strolled in late), Imperial walkers IC

The Thang:
Mosey to the Meadow to begin Black Jack 21 with Merkins and WW1 Sit ups, lunging through the meadow between exercises. We knew that it was going to be a little wet but the meadow was more like a kiddie pool this morning. At some point during this exercise YHC realized that this could very well take up all of our time so YHC had PAX finish with 21 Merkins. Next, we all found a place along the curbing for 3 one minute sets of Butkiss. This was followed by ascending Derkins with Bear crawl from curb to curb. Back to the meadow and partnered up for Dora 123 (100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC’s) One teammate lunging halfway across meadow while other teammate performed the exercises.

Prayer Requests:
Papa Smurf, Gamecock, Steamy, Crack Corn, Joker, Praises that Carol Keech’s surgery went well

GrowRuck Sign up, Convergence on 1/16 at 5:30 at the stadium, Sasquatch coming up

Buford has the Q for next Thursday!

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