The Commons Crew Picture

YHC showed up to Spin Cycle starting to go in motion. We started to Stretch and then that guy came up. We began talking about who was Q, we thought Peaches must have the Q since no one was asked. Thought he was pulling up, but it was someone else that was almost Past Due. Mr. Belding determined not to be absent from class so YHC assumed the Q role and got the PAX moving.


Butt Kickers till the Q says halt
15 High Knees IC
Peaches makes his arrival and plants the #ShovelFlag
15 Good Mornings IC

See if Peaches has a plan, but he was going to work on his degree for MSU. YHC had come up with a plan so away we went…

The Thang

We headed towards the Parking Deck. The command was given to come up the stairs then come down the other side, then run up and down the ramps. Had the 6 descend when we crossed on YHC’s descent. Smurf Jacks for the 6.

Gave the command to head to the Science & Technology Building. Six had the option to cut through campus while others went to 10th. Six was strong and decided to leg it out. We heard some music on the way once we turned on 10th. YHC thought it was coming from the Sunshine Factory. Come to find out it was some dudes hanging out at a small frat house. YHC felt much better when he told us “you are better than me.”

We then ran the reverse NASCAR. YHC is not a fan of NASCAR, but knew we would go in the opposite direction. Past Due has even less knowledge as he decided to go opposite of all others. Anywho, the exercise was to go up the left stairwell (and down of course), hang a right and go around the building, up and down the right stairwell, return to starting line, first one calls the 6 to turn around and head back down.

Mosey to the building behind Science & Technology. Bear Crawl up the stairs, High Kicks across the top, mosey to the bottom, Plank Jacks for the 6.

Mosey to Christenbury for Catch Me If You Can. One partner starts up the stairs and around while the other does 3 squats, then they catch their partner and flapjack. Jump Squats for the 6.

Scout run back to the Old Bridge. We then did High Knees down and Butt Kickers back.

Mr. Belding and Past Due led us on an aggressive in back the #ShovelFlag.

42 Nipplers IC

Short Count Stretches


Papa Smurf vs ALS

Mandy & John (Stretches friends) embryo procedure, results to be known this week or next.

Peaches having some slight knee pain.

YHC closed us in prayer.


Lunch Tuesday at Great Harvest.

August 31 is the deadline for CoopStrong 2K T-Shirt Guarantee.

Check the newsletter for all the other upcoming events.


Awesome work together today by 6 men that pushed one another and each other. Good to see Past Due pushing it by posting at #TheCommons 2 weeks straight.

Weasel Shaking rant starts now: Gazelle – thought you were gonna be a regular now, Wimpie & String Bean – thought you like the Sunday am workout, Bono – it’s been awhile, Early Bird – busy moving? Many others, you know who you are especially if your name isn’t listed above.

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