The Washington PAX has been blessed with beautiful weather (save for the humidity) since our inception.  Today was our first weather challenge.  The rain alternated from a light mist to a steady drizzle, with a nice little breeze.  YHC feared our turnout may be down a bit, but we had 11 strong to meet the weather head-on.  YHC decided it would be best to meet the rain head-on and go ahead and get our feet wet (literally).

The Warm-up

YHC borrowed a page from Shrimp’s playbook and led the PAX on a BLIR.





One lap around the entire complex, complete with some trips through some puddles.

The Thang

We circled up around the flag pole wall and held Derkin planks while each PAX completed 10 Derkins in turn.  Following a quick lap around the traffic circle to keep our HR up, we lined up for three rounds of the People’s Chair, with Balls to the Wall in between.  First round, 10 “Wax On, Wax Off” in a 4 count.  Second round, 10 front punches in 4 count.  Third Round, 10 air shoulder presses in 4 count.  Then off to the end of the road at a mosey pace.  YHC lined the PAX up for the Lane of Pain…Bear Crawl to each tree along road, then 5 Burpees at each tree.  11 trees total?  Who’s counting?  Kudos to Gaylord “Ursus” Focker who took off like a bat out of Hell and finished ahead of everyone.  His reward?  Al Gore for the Six.  Once the Six arrived at the finish, the PAX completed 5 more Burpees along with the Six.  We then moseyed back to the flag wall and circled up for a dip count-off, each PAX completing 10 dips in turn while the rest of the PAX held dip position.  We circled back up in the rain for a good Mary session:

  • 10 WWII sit-ups IC (4 count)
  • 10 Windshield wipers IC
  • 10 Peter Parkers IC
  • 20 Flutter Kicks (4 count) IC
  • 20 American Hammers OYO


Prayers for Aaron and Danny, both of whom are battling substance abuse…prayers for them to join us for workouts and to continue on their path of sobriety.  Prayers for Swiper’s HR admin battling breast cancer.  Prayers for Flatline and his patient.  Prayers for any men struggling in life to find our group.  Prayers to go into the day being better men, husbands, fathers, brothers, employers, employees, friends, and everything in between.

Added prayers for Double D and Baguette, who were today’s fire ant victims.  Added prayers for my 93 y/o neighbor who had a gigantic pine tree fall on her house while I was at the workout this morning.


Flutter kicks in the rain are pure bliss.  Fire ants suck.


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