Skipper and YHC did the old switch-a-roo on Q’ing. I previously asked Skipper if he’d be down to Q at the #CoopStronghold, which led to an offer from him to Q #TheRush! It had been sometime since YHC posted at #TheRush. I wanted to spice things up a little while still delivering a BEATDOWN! So here is what went down…

As YHC’s watch hit 0530, YHC instructed the PAX to follow him… This brought some mumblechatter… PAX mosey to the corner of the bus parking lot, where mysteriously a blue cone had been placed…

YHC gave disclaimer and began warmup!


Diamond Merkins 10 IC

Good Mornings 10 IC

YHC then split the PAX into two groups (YHC leading half, Skipper leading the other half) and presented the challenge. Using the loop around J.H. Rose (Roughly 1.5 miles) the PAX groups would head in different directions completing 6 tasks as they traveled around the loop. The tasks were placed inside blue cones, and were completed as the PAX arrived to the cone.

The PAX groups did these tasks in a different order based on which route they took on the loop, but here at the six.

Task 1: Tennis Court Parking Spaces

  • Lunge across parking spaces and complete 1 burpee at each parking line

Task 2: Corner of Marvin Jarman Rd and Hooker Rd

  • MERKIN MANIA (5 Merkins, 5 Wide Arm Merkins, 5 Crucible Merkins, 5 Ranger Merkins, 10 Stagger Merkins, 5 Hand Release Merkins, 5 Diamond Merkins, & 5 Clapping Merkins) Whew!!!

Task 3: Middle Speed Bump on Marvin Jarman

  • Dora 200 to the next speed bump with 200 LBC’s

Task 4: Back Student Parking Lot

  • Complete these 40 reps at each of the corners setup by blue cones (10 Carolina Drydocks, 10 Plankjacks, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Squats) Backpeddle to each cone.

Task 5: Railroad entrance to J.H. Rose

  • Ab Circuit (10 starfish crunches, 10 slinkys, 10 Captain Thors, 10 boxcutters, 10 chillcut Peter Parkers

Task 6: Junius H. Rose Sign

  • 64 Mountain Climbers, 32 Plankjacks, 16 Merkins, & 8 Burpees


Skipper’s group completed the challenge first, but there may have been some confusion by one of his PAX member’s, Grammar, on the how many reps should have been completed at each task….

YHC always wants the BEATDOWN to last until the very last second. YHC instructed the PAX to mosey to the bus portico. Here, 7 benches were used with a different rep amount on each bench. The PAX completed the rep scheme below with no rest.

(2 box jumps, 4 box jumps, 6 box jumps, 8 box jumps, 10 box jumps, 12 box jumps, & 12 Big Boy Dips.)

PAX headed back to the flag at exactly 0615.

Prayer Requests:

Mayhem’s mother recovering from surgery.


Sign up for Sasquatch!

Skipper has the Q at #CoopStronghold next Monday


Great push by all this morning! YHC felt that it enjoyable BEATDOWN! If that is such a thing… It was definitely something different! Also, it was awesome to see multiple FNG’s post and push through a grueling workout. Welcome Swanson and Cyclops!

– Hat Trick


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