Past Due had asked YHC to Q The Sandlot a few weeks ago for my VQ. I told him that I was honored by the request, but being that I was still recovering from the stress fracture in my femur, I did not feel comfortable Q’ing a workout that I didn’t feel I could fully participate in. I have refrained from running and have been modifying many exercises while recovering. Since the day Past Due first asked, I have been thinking about a workout plan because I knew the day would be coming soon when I would be asked again and the Sandlot is a great AO with a lot of good opportunities for a good beat down. That day came came last week and the VQ plan was made for today.

Rolled out of the FS just past 4:35, no alarm clock was needed this am. Nice, unusually cool morning for this time of year, about 60*. Pulled up around 5:10ish, followed closely by Bad Boy. Did a quick assessment of the AO to make sure it matched the plan in my head and waited for the PAX to roll in.


Good Mornings IC x11(12 – was focused on the exercise and counting is not really my thing); Hallelujahs IC x11ish; Micheal Phelps IC x11ish (just b/c they are fun); High Knees IC x11ish

The Thang

Medicine Ball Squat throw

Pax divided in half and lined up on either side of the sidewalk near the press box about arms length apart and staggered from the PAX across from you. There were 2 medicine balls and the idea was to perform a goblet squat with the medicine ball and throw it to the PAX across from you on the way back up, in sort of a zig-zag fashion, so the ball worked its way down the line to each PAX. After performing a squat throw with each ball, PAX were to run to the end of the line to receive the throw from the last man in the opposite line, working our way along the sidewalk towards the amphitheater. The plan was for all the PAX to do 1 burpee if a ball was dropped, 2 if you were the one who dropped it, and 3 if it was dropped b/c you made a bad throw. I’m not sure if too many were done, as it was clearly still too early and PAX were still figuring out the logistics of the exercise. It all made total sense in my head though. Reverse direction when we got to the light post near the amphitheater. PAX were hitting their stride now, few dropped balls meant few burpees. Running like a well oiled machine now back to the start for another reverse back to the amphitheater. Halt!

Modified Indian-style Run

From current location, around the trail and back to stating point. I have been feeling better lately and ready to do some light jogging. So I figured I could sustain a moderate mosey, but with no sprinting, hence the modification. PAX at the front and rear of the line carry a medicine ball. PAX at the front hands ball off to PAX behind them, stops and performs 5-10 Plank-Jacks (depending on how far they want the group to get ahead of them), catches back up to the group, gets the medicine ball from the PAX previously at the rear, and yells “6 in”. At which point the leader, if not already doing his Plank-jacks, hands off the ball, stops and performs the exercise. Rinse repeat down the line until back at start.

The theme so far was to keep moving, so we did. Looking at the clock, I figured we would start with 5 rounds of the following:

OYO x5 – Bear (rat) Crawls across the brick wall; Lunge walk to the amphitheater steps, Irkin walk across the steps (diamond irkin, wide irkin to the right, bring left hand in for diamond irkin, repeat) x10-12, or more depending on how far across the steps you were willing to go and the # you wanted to do; Step Overs at the picnic tables (up and over then back x 3 tables = 6 Step Overs). Plank for the six on top of the hill behind the brick wall after completing your 5 rounds. Bad Boy called out some Plank positions while waiting.

5 rounds seemed to be the perfect number for time and exhaustion. There was a reason for planking on the hill. The next move was to mosey forward down the hill, starting on the left side and back-pedal back up the hill going around every tree, working our way to the right. 6x down the hill and 6x back-pedal back up. When at the end, do it again, but reverse it back to the starting point.

Still some time left on the clock for a good cool down. Mosey to the amphitheater stage wall for some Peoples Chair. Hold chair for duration and hold a medicine ball out at arms length for an OYO 10 count then pass the ball to the left. When last PAX finishes, mosey back the flag. Quick round of Mary, to make sure everyone gets their moneys worth.

American Hammers x20 – Past Due; Guantanamo x1 round – Richie Simmons. 6:15 – Hard Stop!


Prayers: Richie Simmons – Co-worker with cancer, starting the recovery process; Shrimp – Brother of friend passed away.

Announcements: PAX Lunch at Sup Dogs; No Sasquatch to promote this week.


It was an honor to Q The Sandlot today and I thank the PAX for their support. I hope we got in a good workout today and had some fun. I said it once already, but The Sandlot is a great AO with a lot of opportunities to mix things up a bit. So, if you don’t want to run or ruck on Tuesday mornings, come on out and give The Sandlot a go!



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