You should never put off till tomorrow what you could get done today.  Otherwise you end up writing 3 Back-Blasts almost a month over due…

E.C. – 0600-0700 – Miles Only –  3 and some change

The Thang

Quick no non-sense warm up:

Squats, Over-Head Presses, Up/Downs & Roll-A-Rounds

Move out at a decent pace to the 4th Street Parking Deck where we:

Bear Crawled Odd levels

Lunged on the flats

Crab Walked Even levels

to the top, Where we did 3 sets of Ruck weight exercises including, but not limited to:

Overhead Presses, Triceps Extensions, Ruck Curls, Ruck Rows, & Ruck Presses

After which we moved back down the structure by maintaining our orientation and:

Lunging down one ramp, Karaoke on the flats, Reverse Lung down the next

wash and repeat while always facing the same direction – fun time

Return to the Shovel Flag via the long route as to not have to perform too much Mary

Somewhere along the way Mayhem mentions that it’s his 50th Birthday.  he didn’t mention this earlier in fear the we’d do 50 Burpees to celebrate.

Upon return to the shovel flag we squatted and pressed and flutter kicked in true Joker fashion unitl the appointed time

and then we did 5 Burpees each all together for Mayhem!

Happy 50th Buddy!!!


TClap |