First day at the Q for Mule.
Started with the Warm-up
1. Pledge of allegiance
2. Arm circles-keep arms out
a. Forward x10 IC
b. Reverse x10 IC
c. Seal claps x10 IC
d. Hallelujahs x10 IC
3. Side-straddle-hops x20 IC
4. Merkins x5 IC
5. Imperial walker x15 IC
6. Freddie Mercurys x15 IC
Moseyed to lot beside batting cage and completed butt kickers IC otw.
Split into two groups. One person per parking spot-OYO
1. Burpees
2. crab walk (mod—lunge/side shuffle) length of spot
3. Alternating side squat jumps, L&R is 1
4. When finished jog loop to main entrance and batting cage and back to spot
5. Plank while waiting
1. Bobby Hurleys
2. Bear crawl length of spot
3. Peter Parkers/Mule kicks
4. When finished jog loop to main entrance and batting cage and back to spot.
5. Plank while waiting back to circle
Cool down
Other PAX were asked to call out and lead an exercise, with alternating 10-counts in-between lead by a PAX. Exercises included: SSH, High knees, LBCs, Alternating Shoulder Taps, Good Morning, Goodnights, Alligator merkins, flutter kicks, Windshield wipers, and have a nice day.

Prayer requests:

Gopher-Mother in Law had a stroke and seizure

Permit-soreness in arm at surgery site

Chestnut/Scrappy-kids anxiety with school

Phoenix-friend found lump above breast

Shank- Praise good visit with friend, perspective about life as friend faces life threatening disease

Goggles-Praise friend graduated recovery program.

Saw bone-thankful for group



1. Tuesday’s will be called the Swamp and Site Q is Mule

2. Thursday Site Q is Gopher.

3. Friday Ruck Site Q is Chestnut

4. A group will be Meeting at BFP on Wednesdays for Iron Pax Challenge. Refer to Slack thread if interested.

5. Fellowship lunch Thursday at 12pm at Laughing Owl for anyone who wants to attend.

6. Short stop is slated to Q next Tuesday, Sept 1.


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