The workout (Strokes)
Warm up
Don Qs IC x10
Good Morning IC x10
Cotton Pickers IC x10
SSH IC x10
(Gaylord’s first time calling cadence and he did awesome)

Mosey to Moss Way for Mike Tyson IC x10 w/ bear crawl to opposite curb and back. set of recovery squats thrown in before rinse and repeat.
mosey to cones

Beep Test- PAX line up at a line of cones facing a second line spaced 20m away. PAX was instructed that at each beep they were to get to the opposite cone line before the next beep, and that all would eventually fail, the goal was to go as long as possible. After a back fire or two and couple false starts, we were off. on PAX members failed they grouped up for exercises while the test continued to roll. After lots of work it was down to only Spin Cycle and Jock Itch running strong. rest of the pax gathered in plank variations to cheer on the race between the two. eventually it was down to only Jock Itch who time was cut short by the Q. pretty sure he’d still be running now if not stopped and YHC couldn’t hold plank any longer.

mosey- nothing like running to recover from running…

TABATA- YHC’s mini spreader put back to work for some TABATA. Tabata is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work (aka exercise) followed by 10 seconds of rest. this may not sound like much on paper, but by the end those 20 seconds feel long and the 10 seconds feel non-existent. PAX picked 3 exercises (jump squats, diamond merkins, lunges) and YHC added Burpies. for the first tabata we did the 4 exercises in order twice, followed by a recovery mosey around the park , capped with an all ab tabata led by Gaylord which ended with a low plank hold …have mercy!

At this point the co-Q winkie was already exhausted and we still had lots of time to kill! frazzled not the co-Qs led the pax with more moseys, more work, and the beep test with (Spin Cycle closing it out) and ending with with pax led mary. time to hang up the bongos, this ones a wrap.

CoT/BoM- Gaylord had the honor of naming our FNG- Dunder Miffin- (tossed out by some wise, or at least wise ass, pax member). The hard working Dunder Miffin happily took on the name and, brother, have a feeling we’ll be seeing lots of him at workouts to come. After, Gaylord listened to the hearts of the men around as they laid out some of what was heavy on them, then, with pax huddled around, lifted them all to a higher power.

Prayer request-
Mayhem selling his house, Joker with death of family friend at work, Duct Tape’s farther’s recovery

Washington Qs- Baguette on Tuesday, Duct Tape on Thursday, and Tonka leading Q school next Saturday. If your not familiar with Q school, it a great time to learn about Q techniques if your new, refresh if your experienced, and still get a beat down while learning. Please remember Tonka loves to be heckled and will feel unwelcome if you don’t.

Friday Pub Ruck launching from Elm Street parking lot near tennis courts at 6pm friday night. should end around midnight with around 13 miles and many pubs covered. great time for 1st and 2nd Fs.

Contact Dunder Miffin, or look out for him on twitter for info on how to help fill a trailer with donations for Florida hurricane victims.

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