Flashback to bell bottoms, Afros and some of the coolest, smartest people a 9 year old YHC ever saw. A role model who was smart, educated and had a hot girl friend. Rm 222 left a great impression on YHC and began the thinking that resulted in a career in education. When Rm 222 popped into the noggin YHC knew it would be the perfect theme for a beatdown and immediately put it in digital form. The twitter machine informed the PAX that Rm 222 would be open at Ficklen Stadium Gate 5 and they came. (One PAX had to hustle because he was tardy however this was Rm 222 after all and he would pay it forward later). The circle was formed, disclaimer given and we began class.
Don Quixote x 10
Imperial Walkers x 15
SSH x 20
Mosey to Gate 5
Partner Up: One runs loop between Gate 5-6 other does exercise for 222 reps as a team. (Note: mumble chatter and PAX looking for the door but class was outside so they were out of luck!)
Merkins (When this was given as the next exercise more mumble chatter and questions of YHC’s intent)
Crunchy Frogs (mumble chatter about not having any abs)
BTTW with 10 count each PAX.
Mosey to circle bench
Low Squat hold with 10 count each PAX.

Plankorama alternating from regular to chillcut x 5 rounds.
FITNESS spelled out and hold for silent 15 count (more great mumble chatter that FITNESS was not spelled with a hold – Wapner)
W’s x 15

Prayer request for Papa Smurf and fight with ALS; recovery from hip surgery for son of Crack Corn’s friend; unspoken request and PAX on the mend.
Sasquatch is July 30th. Sign up and participate; Post to a workout that you haven’t tried yet. Wapner has the Q for Friday.

Rm 222 has long since left the airwaves but for YHC having the chance to see what could be gave hope at a time when there was not a lot. YHC knew the PAX would enjoy this class because the Stadium is picking up that #MeanMeanStride. Lots of leakage left on the sidewalks of Gates 5 and 6. TClaps to Zucker for burning up the runs and Hoser for pushing as hard as he does after major surgery. Great to see Sarge giving it and Lemonhead representing. Gamecock and Yellowstar pushed YHC with a fast pace for every rep and run. Crack Corn encouraging everyone while he pushed it beyond the redline. Nine men who turned the spot into a classroom where men became sharper. Not for themselves, but for their faith, family and community. Class dismissed.

TClap |