What can I do to get Tonka to come to a workout

When: 07/08/16 QIC: Aquaman Pax: Aquaman, Baby Mack (2.0), Blindside (2.0), Chewie (moved), Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Hoser, Michael Scott (RESPECT), Terminus (2.0), Theisman We are all hoping to beat the heat with an early morning workout. I know that I am NOT a...

‘The Papa’ Smurf….and Maricans

When: 07/01/2016 QIC: Wimpie and Aquaman Pax: Aquaman, Baby Back (2.0), Boo Boo, Bookworm (RESPECT), Charlie Brown (RESPECT), Chewie (moved), Cousin IT, Crack Corn, Dewey, Digahole, Duff, Gazelle, Gilligan, Grammar, Hoser, Hot Pursuit (RESPECT), Joker, Jowels (2.0),...

Time to Make a Change

When: 6/27/16 QIC: Mr. Belding Pax: Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Crack Corn, Hoser, Lemonhead (moved), Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Wapner Gate 5 at the Fick. It’s Monday and time for some Monday Mash. With Steamy on the DL the PAX stepping up to Q are bringing...

What’s that tune? Ice, Ice Baby!

When: 06/24/16 QIC: Mr. Belding Pax: Bono, Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Duff, Early Bird, Hoser, Mellow Johnny, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Sarge (moved) YHC arrived to Warrior early to survey the AO. After a night of thunderstorms YHC needed to make sure that there...

Let’s Do Burpees!

When: 6/22/16 QIC: Mr. Belding Pax: Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Cousin IT, Duff, Grammar, Hoser, Hot Pursuit (RESPECT), Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Rooney, Terminus (2.0), Theisman, Wapner FNGs|Visiting Pax: Rooney (FNG) YHC arrived in the nick as usual despite his...