Business Meeting

When: 07/06/16 QIC: Arsenio Pax: Arsenio, Big Papi, Bookworm (RESPECT), Cousin IT, Crack Corn, Dewey, Digahole, Grammar, Hokie, Mailman (2.0), Nice Body, Past Due (RESPECT), Peaches (moved), Shrimp (RESPECT), Splinter (DOUBLE RESPECT), Stitches, Stretch (moved),...

Pork Skins are good for you, aren’t they?

When: 07/05/2016 QIC: Papa Smurf Pax: Cousin IT, Crack Corn, JAG (moved), Mailman (2.0), Papa Smurf, Past Due (RESPECT), Splinter (DOUBLE RESPECT), Wapner YHC had not been to a fellowship lunch in some time. Given all the events from the previous 10 days, I was eager...

Did You Know Shadows Can Be White?

When: 05/28/2016 QIC: Lachey Pax: Betty Crocker (2.0), Bono, Cousin IT, Dewey, Duff, Durantulla (2.0), Gang Starr, Hands (2.0), Janitor, Joker, Lachey, Mailman (2.0), Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Peaches (moved), Pepperoni (2.0), Putter (2.0), Scampi (2.0), Shrimp...