BRRRRucking and BRRRunning at the Commons

When: 01/10/2021 QIC: Haavaad, Gazelle Pax: Aquaman, Arkansas, Bono, Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Cousin IT, Fruity Pebbles, Gazelle, Good Vibes, Haavaad (RESPECT), Half-Pipe, Monty Python, Motor City, Punch Out, Rafiki, Reroute, Ricky Bobby, Silverado, Slim Jim (DOUBLE...

Running at the Rush

When: 10/08/2020 QIC: Skipper Pax: Brass Monkey, Duff, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Frank the Tank, Hometown, Hot Spot (RESPECT), Marta, Monty Python, Petey, RedBox, Reroute, Ricky Bobby, Silverback (RESPECT), Skipper, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Stern, Stitches 17 studs...

Fluid Coffee Run

When: 06/20/2020 QIC: Past Due Pax: Arkansas, Footloose, Hoka, Leaky Faucet, Monty Python, Novocaine, Past Due (RESPECT), Ricky Bobby, Shake and Bake, Silverback (RESPECT), Spalding, Strokes, Underdog YHC asked Spalding if he had a Q for the 20th, he did not and the...

Losing count of ladders

When: 06/08/2020 QIC: Cousteau Pax: Bono, Cable, Cousin IT, Cousteau (moved), Monty Python, Ricky Bobby, Tonka As warned on the slack, this work out was a leg burner. 5 pax rolled in for the KB work out while Monty python and Ricky bobby left for a run. Warm-up Side...

College Hill Repeats

When: 05/16/2020 QIC: Shake and Bake Pax: Arkansas, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Monty Python, Novocaine, RedBox, Ricky Bobby, Shake and Bake, Spalding, T-Bone (RESPECT), Tonka, Underdog, Wimpie SRC 6@6 Pax got anywhere from 6-13 miles running.  It’s a running AO....