As warned on the slack, this work out was a leg burner. 5 pax rolled in for the KB work out while Monty python and Ricky bobby left for a run.


Side straddle hops x15

Michael Phelps x15

Squats x 20

we then farmer carried the KB’s down the short hill to the lower parking lot by the fields. we then began the workout

Work out

The main flow the work was ladders. what this meant was it was two exercises in super sets and the rep count was 20-20, 18-18, 16-16,… 2-2. the idea was to not put the KB down during the course of the ladder. we were able to go through 3 ladders.

ladder 1

Squats and Russian swings

ladder 2

KB clean and press and rows (these were alternated in both arms aka 10R-10L Clean and press, 10R-10L rows, 9R-9L C+P, 9R-9L Rows)

ladder 3

Deadlifts and overhead press

We then joined Bono in a 3 min static hold plank and we finished up with a hill sprint back to my car.

Prayer Requests

-Bono’s mother-in-law and his family

-Cable in his job hunt

-Unity and openmindedess in our country



details to come but there is a possibility for both a virtual and in person. the format has changed so that it is based on total time and the format will be changed from past years. stay tuned for more details.

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