OJ’s Neighborhood Chase

When: 5/31/17 QIC: Skipper and The Juice Pax: Abacus, Bling Bling, Boston Lager, Crankshaft, Gretzky, Half-Pipe, Hat Trick, Matlock, Mayhem (RESPECT), Shrimp (RESPECT), Skipper, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Snap Bean (2.0), Spackler, Splinter (DOUBLE RESPECT), String...

Us vs The Bag

When: 9/18/2016 QIC: Dee (Title Trainer) Pax: Cousin IT, Snap Bean (2.0), String Bean FNGs|Visiting Pax: FIA - Sparrow and 2.2 Bean. Ashlyn, 2 ladies, 2 owners. String Bean mentioned a young girl (Ashlyn Brady) last week at the Bible Study. She was having a benefit on...


When: 07/05/16 QIC: String Bean Pax: Cousin IT, Duff, Past Due (RESPECT), Sarge (moved), Snap Bean (2.0), Stretch (moved), String Bean, Wimpie, Wok-n-Roll (2.0 - moved) It has been an emotional week for F3 ENC. It’s hard to pick a word to describe the Ball of...

‘The Papa’ Smurf….and Maricans

When: 07/01/2016 QIC: Wimpie and Aquaman Pax: Aquaman, Baby Back (2.0), Boo Boo, Bookworm (RESPECT), Charlie Brown (RESPECT), Chewie (moved), Cousin IT, Crack Corn, Dewey, Digahole, Duff, Gazelle, Gilligan, Grammar, Hoser, Hot Pursuit (RESPECT), Joker, Jowels (2.0),...

Miss Betty and the Restoration of Innocence

When: 03/27/15 QIC: Shrimp, String Bean, Charlie Brown Pax: Charlie Brown (RESPECT), Chewie (moved), Cleat (2.0), Cousin IT, Fiddler (2.0), Gazelle, Jowels (2.0), Lightbulb (2.0), Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Papa Smurf, Pork Belly, Scampi (2.0), Shrimp (RESPECT),...