My Last F3ENC Q

When: 12/09/2021 QIC: Half-Pipe Pax: Boston Lager, Brass Monkey, Captain Obvious, Cousin IT, Half-Pipe, Marta, Matlock, Rafiki, RedBox, Ricky Bobby, Rockfish (Grimes), Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Spalding, Stern, String Bean, The Closed Hand, Wimpie 17 Pax braved 32...

Running the tie to Ripple City

When: 10/23/2021 QIC: Floater Pax: Abu, Arkansas, Bono, Duff, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Frank the Tank, Half-Pipe, Mad Dog, RedBox, Spalding When I posted the route the guys said it looked like a tie.  Also Redbox had never heard of Ripple City (The Commons) which was...

Winners Win, Simple as that.

When: 10/21/2021 QIC: Ricky Bobby Pax: Brass Monkey, Clipper, Cousin IT, Frank the Tank, Half-Pipe, Marta, RedBox, Ricky Bobby, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Spalding, Stern, Wimpie YHC got a message yesterday that Madoff wasn’t going to be able to make the Q, so...

Blackopsrunning back again

When: 10/20/2021 QIC: RedBox Pax: Duff, Half-Pipe, Mad Dog, RedBox, Spalding Blackopsrunning took a little break after BRR but hopefully we are back again. We did a 5 mile loop. Was posted to slack for all to attend TClap |...

Very Complex Route

When: 10/12/2021 QIC: Novocaine Pax: Brass Monkey, Clipper, Frank the Tank, Hometown, Matlock, Novocaine, Petey, RedBox, Skipper, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Spalding, Stern, Strokes, Tarhole, The Closed Hand, Yellow Brick YHC really tried to keep the PAX on their toes...