Just hearing of NoIDeer’s VQ, YHC was looking forward to what he had in store. Then, Noonan reached and asked for YHC to Q. An idea immediately came to mind to challenge the PAX. YHC then accidentally cut a few fingers yesterday during K4-K5 Upward Basketball practice. The plan would still be solid and would work, though some modifications may be necessary. Noonan also had an FNG coming and this site is quickly getting strong! Greeted the PAX, clock was soon coming to 0530 and here comes Matlock! He was ready to…


10 Smurf Jacks IC, we have to @ the CoopStrongHold!
10 Can’t ever remember the name when it’s time, Wimpie said Good Mornings IC. That’s what we did, next time YHC warm-ups they are called Imperial Walkers…
10 Merkins IC, good way to test the digits…

The Thang

The PAX were instructed to listen to the Sequence of Commands, it was now their turn as the F3 Workout Deck was revealed!

Face Cards over 5 due the exercise on the card.

Face Cards 5 and under, add 10 to the exercise on the card.

Royal Cards are 25 reps of exercise on the card.

Aces were 100 reps of the exercise on the card.

Anytime the Sequence was not correct, we ran the stairs and back. Seems we did this half the time. YHC explained that this is F3’s Big Mac and should ALWAYS be the same. The words are commands to follow! Many PAX did an awesome job!


Scotty Moe mourning the loss of his brother.

Drive-By mourning the loss of his Father-in-Law.

Slim Jim’s 2.0 expecting a baby next week.

PAX that are stuck in Sad Clown Syndrome.

YHC closed us in prayer.


Lunch today was awesome @ Shogun!

Cousteau has the Q @ #BoydLeeBeatdown tomorrow.

Cousteau is in a Acapella concert Sunday @ the Student Center @ 3:30pm.


Second day in a row of leading 12 PAX. Though the workout was much different than yesterdays, the PAX did an awesome job! Always good to have an FNG! Jerry Maguire acted as no FNG either. He led with authority when it was his turn! Hopefully, these men became more comfortable with leading and will Q again soon!!!

TClap |