Chimichanga and YHC made plans to ruck at 0500. At 5:29, we were still 100 yards from the flag, so we ruck-sprinted to the flag.  Unfortunately, there was no Q in sight.  YHC decided to take the reigns.

SSH, Merkins, Good Mornings

The Thang
-Four corners around the  back parking lot.  5 Squats, 10 Merkins, 15 WWI, 20 box -cutters
-mosey to playground for 11’s…derkins and dips
-mosey to the side parking lot for suicides, stop for an increasing number of WW2s at each stripe (5, 10, 15…55).  LBCs and Squats were substituted near the end.
-mosey around the church and over to the bleachers for 7’s…Clorox merkins and step-ups.
-mosey to the building columns for B2W and Wall-sits, 10 count from each PAX on both
-mosey to the flag for Mary (PAX Choice…Spinal Tap did NOT call Flutter Kicks!)

-injured/recovering PAX
-Levi Lupton

-sign up for a CSAUP
-lunch today at Bad Daddy’s Burger Bar
-Pirate Chase is looking for volunteers
-Noonan has the Q at CollardPatch on Monday

TClap |