Warmup was 5 minutes of stretching and getting loose.
Then we did 5 reps of deadlifts, cleans, squat, push press. Rounds 2 was 10 reps each all with ruck on and sandbags.
THE THANG was 5 rounds of 10 reps each:  merkins, squat with sandbag (5 reps each shoulder) , burpee, row, push press. After each round, ruck a loop of parking lot with or without sandbags. Once that was completed we took rucks off and carried the ruck with no straps for under a mile ( hug your ruck) or love 😂 . We circled up close to 614 and rucks over head for the remainder. 9 count , took attendance, prayer request, prayed, announcements

prayer requests:

ma bell father in law, cousin It interviewing for a management position, F3, Haavaad having another grand baby

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