It’s been awhile since YHC has Q’d here, so the request went into Fin! He put YHC on the schedule and plans were somewhat already set, but looked to make final. YHC had a commit from Mr. Belding (come to find out, he didn’t even know YHC was the Q) and figured Padre would be there! YHC called out several PAX personally, Silverado answered that call and Short Round included himself in the everyone else statement! YHC got here a little early and the number would setup the workout. First it was time to get started with the…


10 Don Quixote’s IC
10 Imperial Walkers IC
10 Punch Jacks IC

The Thang

Requested the PAX to ruck up and also suggested taking a KB that will challenge you, if a lighter one you will do more reps (so there is always that challenge). We began the trek, but knew YHC’s pace would be slow toting the 50 pounder. Stopped at the first curb for 5 Merkins IC. Treked on to the next curb for 10 Mountain Climbers IC. Treked on to the benches for 15 Step-ups IC. We finally reached our destination and this was the rules:

One PAX would run around the outside of the building and would be the time for all others.
Next PAX would do Ground to Overhead with their KB.
Next PAX would ruck the steps.
Next PAX would do WWII with their ruck on their feet.
Next PAX would do KB Swings.

We then did a recovery walk for something YHC learned at the 10 Year called Paint the Lines:

Ran forward for 2
Ran backward for 2
High knees forward for 2
High knees backward for 2
Buttkickers forward for 2
Buttkickers backward for 2
Lunge forward for 2
Lunge backward for 2
Front kicks forward for 2
Front kicks backward for 2
Bear crawl for 2
Crawl bear for 2
Side Squat step for 2
Recovery walk for 2

Corpse Pose for the Six, then 60 seconds more

Returned to the 2nd round of this:

One PAX would run around the outside of the building and would be the time for all others.
Next PAX would do Ground to Overhead with their KB.
Next PAX would ruck the steps.
Next PAX would do WWII with their ruck on their feet.
Next PAX would do KB Swings.

We geared up and headed back. We stopped at the benches for 5 Foot Release Squats IC. Treked on to the curb for 5 Peter Parkers IC. Treked on to the next island for 5 Ruck Get-ups! We completed the Trek and gladly removed the weights.


Prayers up for Injured PAX (especially 2-Stop and Haavaad).
Praise that EJ is making progress!
YHC closed us in prayer.


Volunteer to Q, don’t wait to be asked!


Thankful for the men that showed up today and wanted a challenge!

TClap |