Warm up, 15 good morning, 15 imperial walkers, 10 burpees
One lap around and back to 3rd quarter area by fire hydrant to start interval training up to back round about area
1. 50% up, mosey back to hydrant
2. 70% up, mosey back to hydrant
3. 80% up, mosey back to hydrant
4. 90% up, mosey back to hydrant

Core work out
3 rotations of the following:20 count rest in between rotations
10 merkins, 20 jump squats, 30 sec plank
10 mtn climbers, 20 speed skaters, 30 hammers
10 jump lunges, 20 tricep dips on curb, 30 side straddle hops

10 burpees

Round of Mary, 15 WWII, 40 Flutter Kicks(thanks spinal tap), 2 rounds of Guantanomos, 20 extra large LBC’s, 15 Supermans, 25 Windshield Wipers

10 burpees
Countarama, Namearama, Announcements, BOM

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