Due to travel, schedule and a plethora of other excuses I could toss out, I haven’t posted in the gloom during the week in a couple of months until two days ago. After the workout on Wednesday, Wimpie came up to a couple of us, looking for a Q for today. I decided to take it, know that if nothing else, it held me accountable to post and force me to resist the temptation to fartsack. “Make it tough” he said. The orders were clear. I wouldn’t let him down.

As I rolled up to BLP, there were only 2 PAX waiting in the gloom, although I knew Wimpie and Cousin IT were headed that way, as I saw them running towards the park as I rolled in. The clock struck 0530 and 3 PAX circled around YHC and we started. Wimpie and Cousin IT were still running around the building, headed our way and a car was still pulling in the lot, but we weren’t waiting. We start on time. It’s up to the men to be there on time.

Todays workout was all about the Abs and the Core

We did a lot of Burpees, sticking with the following rep scheme for eat Burpee Set: 5 OYO then Al Gore for the six, 4 OYO then Al Gore for the six, counting down to 1 OYO for a total of 15 Burpees per set

• 20 SSH IC
• 10 Cherry Pickers IC
• Burpee Set

Mosey to the gym set. 4 Station workout, 1st station at sign near gym set, 2nd station about half way to umbrella at the lights, 3rd station at the umbrella, 4th station same location as 2nd station and finish at the sign where we started. Q calls out exercise. 10 reps OYO at each station. If you return to the 1st station before the six is there, run back to the six and complete exercises with him so that all PAX finish at the same time.

• Flutterkicks – 10 per station, OYO, 40 total
• Burpee Set
• Boxcutters – 10 per station, OYO, 40 total
• Burpee Set
• Dollies – 10 per station, OYO, 40 total
• Burpee Set
• WWII Situps – 10 per station, OYO, 40 total
• Burpee Set
• Rosalitas – 10 per station, OYO, 40 total
• Burpee Set
• Plank – 10 count by (2) different PAX for a total of 20 count at each station
• Burpee Set
• American Hammer
• Mosey back to flag (actually, there was no flag because YHC’s flags are in my truck, which is in the shop being serviced)

• We are thankful and grateful that we live in a country where we are free to post in the gloom and enjoy the 3 F’s with our Brothers, including the ability to lift our concerns and problems up to the Lord.
• Prayers to the friends, families and communities of violence and the tragedies that have occurred in Orlando and around the country over the past few weeks.
• Prayers for our country and the future of our country and the legacy that we leave. May God grant us the wisdom to do the right things and make the right choices so that our children and grandchildren enjoy the safety and freedom that we often take for granted

At this point, Thumper left and the rest of the PAX were standing around talking and we concluded that we had done 90 Burpees during the workout, which is a terrible! We can’t stop 10 short of 100! So, we decided to crank out 11 more OYO so that we’d each (other than Thumper) have 101 burpees for the morning.

As it turns out, we had done 105 Burpees prior to the Extra Credit, so the official burpee count is 116 for 6 of the PAX and 101 for Thumper. That’s what happens when you’re smoked at the end of a workout, 6 men can’t even count to 105. And that’s when you know it’s going to be a good day, because the blood is flowing and the stress is relieved and you’re energized for the weekend.

T-Claps to Wimpie for asking me to Q, and T-Claps to the men who posted and gave it all they had!

TClap |