Dawn broke on the plains of Boyd Lee Park for PAX of 27 in 19 degrees of serene gloom. The ground was solid, a great metaphor for the challenge that’s taken place to make Feb 21st, 2015 happen. Before it all began a flag emerged, got jammed into the dirt and stayed strong the whole way through. Off we go…

The Thang:

Warm Up jog to baseball field

C.O.P. : Side Straddle Hops x 15, Mountain Climbers x 15, Imperial Walkers x 15, Merkins x 15, Good Mornings x 15

Short jog to open field and line up

Sprint to the bleachers and back.

Walking the Plank L & R x 15

Sprint to the bleachers and back

Cackalacky Choo Choo two times through (note PAX size)

Short jog

Plank-A-Rama : High Plank Hold x 15, Plank Jacks x 15, Chilcutt Hold x 15, Shoulder Taps x 15, Decliners x 15, Low Plank Hold x 15, Squat Hold for Cadence Script Review

Short jog to front area

The Beast : 6 stops, 6 Reps at each, 6 Rotations…..exercises were Merkins, Knee Ups, Hand Release Merkins, Prisoner Squats, Star Jumps & Burpees

Move to area between baseball field and partner up

Ark Loader : meet partner in the middle and perform 10 merkins after each animal exercise (Bear, Gorilla & Crab Walk). Prisoner squats and Balls to the Wall in between.

move to wall in the center

Irkins x 20, Dips x 20, Derkins x 15

Mary : American Hammers x 40, Nippler Merkins x 20

C.O.T. with prayer

Naked Moleskin:

-Wow what a crowd out there, 17 with names already plus 3 FNGs. PAX spanned from the #HateHate category to the #respect. Lots of positive energy and support for the fellow man. T-claps for the efforts to EH people but to also show up, that was a chilly morning to embrace the suck. Not too chilly to wear shorts though, one man’s opinion.

-Great testimonial from Closed Hand who shared he was close to shutting F3ENC down a couple of months ago when only 1-2 people were showing…..at times just himself. Way to dig in and keep the faith, YHC already heard there were 16 out on Monday two days later, you’ll be dealing with #problematic workouts before you know it. Aye!

-T-claps are also in order for Chong Li coordinating the official launch efforts through F3Expansion, including getting several F3Raleigh guys to travel east like myself. I’m grateful for his leadership and the opportunity to co-Q the workout with Larry David. A great experience for us both indeed.

-Believe I left the copy of Freed to Lead with Moses, but I could be wrong on the name. It’s a great read but not a long one. Someone harrass him for the copy in a couple of weeks, you’ll appreciate the history along with the mission and purpose of F3….also included is an explantion of the importance to count in cadence. If you can’t wait, buy one for yourself.

-Next item for F3ENC, get a name for the workouts in your lineup. It’s yours so you own the process, no nominations will be made by your friends to the west. Nomad is being set up as speak, check the lineup for the weekly options.

-Not sure who has the Q next Saturday, YHC will be with the shorties all weekend while MMaize is out of town.

See you in the gloom!

TClap |