Warm up

No time for warm ups.

1 lap around the park  then head to the middle of the baseball fields.

The Spoke: There are 4 paths from the center of BLP to the outer track. Run out to the end of the spoke and perform the exercise. When back at the hub, 20 LBCs, then off to the next spoke. I stated that we would do this 5 times. Wow, was I incorrect on my timing. We made it through 2 rounds before needing to move on to the next exercise.

Spoke 1: 10 Jump Squats

Spoke 2: 10 V Ups

Spoke 3: 10 Burpees

Spoke 4: 10 Jump Lunges

Mosey to the play ground. We do 6s with pull ups and mule kicks.

Have a little time left for some wall action and Mary. 5 count peoples chair. Spinal Tap never dissapoints. 20- 4 count IC balls to the wall shoulder taps.

Back to the circle

25 arm haulers IC, The Edge, 25 American Hammers IC, I called on Pied Piper who led us in Windshield Wipers, Matlock with Makhtar N’Diayes, and Spinal Tap finishing off with flutter kicks.

Prayer Requests:

Dr. Randy Parker, Matlock’s brother in law and his battle with stage 4 brain cancer, Vanilla’s co-worker’s husband who recently went through a lung transplant and have not been able to bring him out of a medically induced coma yet.



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Matlock really brought it home today in the COT. He spoke about his brother in law, who is similar in age to many of us who post in the gloom. His brother in law is having to have conversations with his young children that no one should have to have. We are all here on Earth for a short period of time…. some much shorter than others. We need to really appreciate the time we have and spend it wisely. Love those who you hold dear to your heart and spend time with them. Be intentional in your actions and live life with purpose. Living life passively and without purpose can lead to much regret later down the road. I certainly do not want that for any of my F3 brothers.  There are many people, including myself that have lived life day to day not working towards any type of goal or having purpose. A few months ago, I changed that. I did not want to be the guy who had a dream and who always talked about it but never worked towards making that dream a reality. I am well on my way to starting my own business. I feel rejuvenated. It truly feels great to be able to set goals and work towards achieving them.  Sure, there will be set backs but that is a part of life. You work through those set back with your brothers and support groups. It makes you stronger. I am thankful everyday to be able to come out and spend time with you men. You guys have truly been an inspiration and have helped me grow in ways you will never know. If anyone has a dream and does not know where to start, please reach out to me. I will help in any way I can. If I can’t, I will find someone who can.

Leave no man behind but leave no man where you find him






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