Warm Up
Pledge of Allegience
15 Side straddle hops
15 Good mornings

The Thang

Dora with 100 swirkins, 200 LBCS, 300 sqats

30 Dips
40 Step Ups

20 Gorilla Humpers
20 Mountain Climbers
20 Jump Squats

Sharks and Minnows
The PAX went from side to side across the field. When the shark caught a minnnow, they went down to a chill cut and could tag the minnows

Burpie Ball 2.0
5 plank jacks and 5 burpies if you got hit
5 plank jacks and 10 burpies if your ball got caught
5 plank jacks and 15 burpies if you hit someone in the head

Minnesota rounded up all of Salt Licks stray balls and then the PAX returned to the flag for 7 burpies.

Q Tip: Sleep cycles are 90 minutes for most folks, so to show up best and avoid a whole bunch of physical and mental health issues, try for 7 hours and 30 minutes of sleep per night waking up and going to sleep at the same time each day.


Prayers for Cousin IT’s son and for other family members of the PAX with medical challenges.

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