Well, Deep Dish put out a call on Slack for Qs for #BuildUp in December.  Recognizing Beer Garden was set to take over Host Workout Q responsibilities at #theschoolyard, YHC decided to answer Deep Dish’s call.  The date selected, today 12/9, arrived and Jack Frost was the first to post.

4 PAX arrived early for some rucking EC.  4 more arrived in time for the beatdown.

Disclaimer given.  Warmups were done via a round of Mary, each PAX was to choose a core exercise to lead and to do so at 19 reps each (for COVID19 reminder).  First was a minute plank hold to give PAX time to decide on an exercise of their choice to lead.  Then the following went down: Flutter Kicks, American Hammers, LBCs, WWIs, V-ups, Windshield wipers, Merkins, Freddie Mercuries

From there we moseyed to the softball field and got on with The Thang (from the exicon):

7 of Diamonds

Performed on a large diamond (i.e. a square); we use the outside of a baseball field, but any large area will work. For the first round, do 7 reps of an exercise (burpees) at each of the 4 corners with a mosey (or sprint) in between corners. Each round, increase by 7 reps with a different exercise each round, for a total of 4 rounds. Round 2, 14 four count flutter kicks at each of the 4 corners. Round 3, 21 merkins at each of the 4 corners. Round 4, 28 squats at each of the 4 corners. If time allows, continue for a total of 7 rounds, decreasing the reps by 7 for each of the last 3 rounds with exercises of the Q’s choice. We will do some rounds on your own, then wait for the six each round; and some rounds we do as a group. Q’s choice.

Round 1 we did Burpees (in cadence), Round 2 we did Merkins (in cadence), Round 3 we did Mtn Climbers (OYO, 2 is 1), Round 4 we did Squats (OYO), Round 5 we did Plank Jacks (OYO) and stopped with the assumption of not enough time to complete all of Round 6 (nor Round 7)

Following 7 of Diamonds and with what time remained, we did Irkins and Dips (2 rounds, 19 reps each), moseyed back to shovel flag for some Jack Webbs (1:5) until 0615 (got to 5:25).

COT: 8 PAX (listed above), Prayers: leaders for country, holiday stress/mental health, Slalom’s sister

Moleskin: Core Principle #4 – F3 is peer led in a rotating fashion.  Thanking Deep Dish for the opportunity to Q/lead.  Had YHC not responded to the call, odds are the fartsack would’ve won today given the temperature this gloom (28 degrees).  Yes, well aware of core principle #3 with regards to workouts are held outdoors, rain or shine, hot or cold; but having just served as hostworkoutq for #theschoolyard this past year YHC is much more aware of the importance of CP #4 than prior to that opportunity.  Always be ready and willing to support your hostworkoutq brothers and the AOs – it is a key component towards what makes F3 so great, it should be fun, and is certainly a variable to delivering muscle confusion towards our F1 – Fitness.  YHC is aware there is a patch for reaching 100 posts in a given calendar year.  Perhaps an equivalent should be made available for # of times a PAX Qs.  How many times have you Q’ed this year?  Were you aware there is a way to find out and confirm (provided you submitted the backblast)?  As we near the season of annual resolutions, perhaps the consideration is worthy of goal setting for the coming calendar year.  Plenty of opportunities to lead in F3, simply step up and take your turns in rotating fashion, Aye!


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