Warm Up – Reps of 10 in 2 sets

Heal Toe Rockers, Side Straddle Hops, Arm Burners, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Side Squats

Station 1 – Four Corners 

Two PAX paired working in two parking lot spaces.  Both perform 3 sets of 5 four corner drills (sprinting up the parking lot space, shuffling across two parking lot spaces, back pedaling down the parking lot space and karaoka back across two parking lot spaces in a clockwise pattern).  Both perform 25 Mountain Climbers, 25 Freddy Mercury’s and 25 Crab Humpers while the other PAX is doing the four corners.

Station 2 – Agility/Footwork Drill

Two PAX paired working in two parking lot spaces.  Both perform 3 sets of 10 reps each (two step feet over and back across the left parking lot line, feet together hopping in a T pattern clockwise around the T formed in the middle of the parking lot spaces, then feet together hopping back and forth across the right parking lot line).  Both perform 25 Merkins, 25 WWI Sit-ups and 25 Air Squats while the other PAX is doing the Agility/Footwork Drill.

Station 3 – 60 Yard Wind Sprints (6 interval sprints with 30 seconds rest in between)

Station 4 – Wall/Box Jumps (2 to 2.5 feet high) and Wall/Box Step ups (2 to 2.5 feet high) – reps OYO while the other PAX jogs a lap around the baseball outfield

Cool Down 

10 count of Oblique stretch, Hamstring stretch, Side Lunge stretch (both sides), Seated Hip/Glute stretch (both sides), Lay down and be thankful for this day (20 count)

Finish with Plank o Rama – Regular Plank count off 1, Side Planks count off 1&2, Elbow Plank count 1&2&3, Regular Plank count of 1&2&3&4&5


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