Fellow Rucker, Larry Shaffer, created a Virtual Ruck to help end Alzheimer’s and posted it to some social media outlets a few weeks back. YHC saw the post and thought it would help benefit a great cause as I lost my Grandpa a few years back to this horrible, horrible disease. There was no specific mileage, just a $15 donation (to get a sweet patch) so YHC thought it would be great to do it for Cutlass Sunday. YHC put out a call and got 14 PAX to join the cause. YHC had an initial route in mind but part of it was washed away with the greenway being flooded so audibled and decided on a new route that would take us 9 miles. The 9 symbolized the month my Grandpa was born, September.

13 PAX (including one FNG, welcome Firelog) met at 0530 at Elm Street Park. YHC gave a short disclaimer and let the PAX know the route. There was also a quick escape route for those that might have had to leave early (all PAX did the full route). And then we were off; left on Elm Street to Greenville Blvd. Right on Greenville Blvd then right on Arlington. At this point, Noonan decided to make a coffee run at Starbucks and would meet back up with us later. Took Arlington all the way down to 5th Street. Made a right on 5th all the way back to Elm Street and then to Elm Street Park. Everyone was right around 9 miles and at this point some PAX left to get the rest of their Sunday going while a few of us had a little more fun rucking around Brookgreen with a sandbag to get to 10 miles.

Good group today and everyone had a great pace; first group was a little under 15min/mile while the other group was around 15 1/2min/mile. And more importantly, we raised nearly $300 for a great cause! Pretty good day for #CutlassSunday. Until next time…

Stabler Out

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