When Circuit Rider asked YHC to Q, I welcomed the opportunity. It was my first Q back after naming him site Q at the stadium on Fridays, and I wanted to take it back to some of my first Qs out there.

Warm Up


10 Good Mornings IC

The Thang

Mosey to bus stop at the bottom of the lower parking lot.

B.L.I.M.P.S. starting at the bus stop and moving up the parking lot stopping at each island in the parking lot to do the exercises and ending at the top curb. Plank for the six.

Suicides starting at the top curb running to the first line of parking spots and doing 5 WWI situps and going back to the curb. We continued this until we got all the way to the bus stop at the bottom of the parking lot with our WWI situps and finished at the top curb. Al Gore for the six.

Mosey to the flag.


Prayer Requests

Family who lost their little girl in a car accident

Vandelay and his family with the loss of his dad

Easy Rider recovery from eye surgery


Adopt a Highway 9/30 8:15 AM Rite Aid. Greenville Auto World is supplying breakfast.

Pub Ruck 9/29 6 PM start at Elm Street

GoRuck Events in Greenville March 9 and 10. Plenty of time to train. (It’s just walking)

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