Last Friday YHC ended a post with a very stiff back and Circuit Rider had to give a ride home. He took the opportunity to Headlock YHC to Q and it was with great pleasure accepted. As the Paz knows when called upon to lead you take it and the opportunity to #Influence. YHC knows that it can get pretty soggy around CoopStronghold after a good rain like last night so modifications would be required. The Pax rolled in Twitterless Slim Jim (2x Respect) got his shirt on right we circled up and were off like a dirty shirt.


Mosey to 1st lot in front of natatorium. Uphill 11s
11’s Carolina Dry Docks & Hand Release Merkins
This is where I had to tell @f3StringBean that I really wish I could’ve seen Led Zeppelin in concert. Great question String.

Mosey to Parking Lot next to 10th and go to the uphill end.

Charles Bronson:
1. 50 Merkin
Bear Crawl, Mosey back to start, Sprint
2. 50 Peter Parkers
Bear Crawl, Mosey back to start, Sprint
3. 50 Wide Arm Merkins
Bear Crawl, Mosey back to start, Sprint
4. 50 Squats, Crawl

Mosey to 10s courts
Bear Crawl short ends
People’s Chair Native Run: People’s Chair while Pax take turns running the circuit of the 10s courts.

Mosey to Flag

WWI x 25 IC
Rosalitas x 25 IC
Flutter Kicks x 25 IC


Prayer requests for family of church secretary who recently passed due to cancer; @f3SpineAlign mom-in-law and friend; @f3GlowWorm and recent job interview; @F3jdtwayne whose neighbor was recently diagnosed with cancer.
Announcements: F3 Superbowl May 19th; Pub Ruck May 25th 6:45 launch from Town Commons; Tuesday Pax Lunch at Marathon Restaurant 12:00.

The Coop Stronghold is a great AO. Period. Each week a Q can do something just a little different. Even with all of the construction going on the opportunities abound. Just check out the pic with this BB and you only get a taste of what a sunrise is like there. Light reflects off of the buildings, trees, birds and guys smiling after what is a great workout because it’s hard. Afterward the coffee and conversation with @f3StringBean was a nice way to start YHC’s Friday. It’s something we all need to do more of. Personalized Weasel Shaking (PWS). Ask a Pax or a Sad Clown to coffee or lunch for some one-to-one time. Not your Whetstone. It’s the glue and we all need it. We never know when that invite is needed. In the picture there is a light pole that has a CoopStrong sticker on it. “Hidden in plain sight” for those of us who know its there. YHC can still hear Papa Smurf saying “Reach for the sky! You beat the fartsack this morning and you’re ahead of the guy who’s still in it!” This was not a beatdown. It was solid work put in by Pax who pushed themselves to be better than when we started. We smiled. We laughed and did some work. Hey beats the alternative right! Good work men. #PTR #DRP

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