Bambino tweeted that he had some open dates and Monday MASH.  YHC figured……I have been having trouble getting motivated to beat the Fartsack on Mondays……so why not Q and resolve that problem! Reached out to Bambino, asked for 16th and it was game on. Funny thing is……I almost FORGOT I was the Q until Wimpy mentioned it this weekend.  Developed a plan (actually stole part of a plan from Hot Pursuit) and made sure I was at the AO……on time.  Shovel flag was planted. Bambino added his as well. Met a newer PAX “Minnesota Fats”. Got started promptly at 5:30.

Warm Up

  • Good Mornings  x 10  (this is a requirement for Mayhem as us 45 and over guys need to stretch)
  • SSH    x 10
  • High Knees   x 10


As most noticed, Mayhem had on his gloves and wrist support…….so we were going to do a little more than “just run”.  However, to Charlie Brown’s dismay, the first call was “mosey to College Hill “.  Charlie Brown DID run the whole way……P-Doc had to stop and wet a bush near the RR tracks en route……but still beat the six.

DORA 1-2-3 with an emphasis on AB work ; partner up and get started. Exercises between Gateway Dorm. Partner ran down to last set of steps to Todd Dining Hall and back UP the hill.

  • 100 – Windshield Wipers
  • 200 – American Hammers (2 count)
  • 300 – LBCs

P-Doc led us in some Plank O Rama for the six.

Mosey back down to bottom steps of Todd Dining Hall for Figure Eights courtesy of Hot Pursuit Workout I did a while back. Run UP the steps and perform 10 Irkins in front of Todd. Down the steps….down the hill and across the street to steps leading up to Scott Hall. 10 Plank Jacks at the top of Scott. Back down the steps and down the Hill to Todd. AMRAP.

YHC saw P-Doc stopped on the steps up the Scott and initially thought he must have fell or missed a step. As it turned out he was admiring a Copperhead who was on the left side of the stairs and daring anyone to get too close!  YHC warned the other PAX and this gave us all some amazing incentive to RUN up those stairs, and maybe even go two at a time!

Mosey back to the shovel flag and arrived at 6:15. P-Doc and Noonan had jailbreak race to the finish.

Count O Rama and Name O Rama

Prayer Requests

Hot Pursuit and his son

PAX coming battling back from injuries

Young Life Camp in Georgia this week; Mayhem and Wimpy both have 2.0 in attendance….perhaps others do as well. Prayers for safety and that God touches hearts and brings these kids closer to him

Glow Worm’s son broken arm

Greenville and Pitt County baseball teams


MASH needs PAX to step up and Q!  Tremendous AO with lots of options.

Sasquatch is coming up in less than 2 weeks. Several PAX are out of town, so we need participation. You can RUN. You can RUCK. You can VOLUNTEER for SUPPORT.  We need bottled water and Gatorade. We need people to man those water stations along the way and to encourage race participants.  We need PAX to help with breakfast afterwards.  So we need YOU.


YHC had not posted on a MONDAY since the Memorial Day “Murph”. Glad I did something to break the cycle.  We all need to do that sometimes.  Recognize our own weaknesses and shortcomings…..and do something different to become better. My Dad used to always say “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”.  As we look forward to The Sasquatch……participate. Sign up. I remember before I joined F3 hearing about “The Sasquatch” via Facebook. I was on my way to the beach and saw several men running up Charles Blvd in front of Farm Bureau and Remax and wondered what was going on.  Found out later several people I knew had done it. Then I later joined F3 and last year found out what it was all about. AND I FINISHED IT. I wasn’t sure I could finish it when I signed up. Spoke to Bono, Cousin IT, and others as I prepped myself……but in the end I made it through.  You can too. I welcome those who don’t look at themselves as “runners” to come tackle this CSAUP with Mayhem. I am proudly bringing up the rear!

If this year isn’t your year to run or ruck……..then please sign up to volunteer.  We need support.


TClap |