Warmup:  20 SSH; 10 Merkins; 10 High Knees

The Thang:  Everything was based around doing 5 burpees, 10 Copperhead Squats, 15 WWI, 20 Shoulder Taps while keeping the PAX moving all around the stadium campus.

Stop One:  Murphy Center Steps.  5, run the stairs, 10, run the stairs, 15, run the stairs, 20 run the stairs

Stop Two:  Mosey toward Elmhurst School / Berkley Road.  Ran in the parking lot back towards the meadow from medium to medium and did 5,10,15,20

Stop Three:  The Minges Meadow.  Did 5,10,15,20 with a bear crawl across the meadow in between exercises

Stop Four:  The Hill just down from the meadow.  Did 5 run up the hill backwards and do 10 down the hill, 15 run up hill backwards, 20 at the top of the hill

Stop Five:  Tennis Courts.  Did 4 corners at the tennis courts but stayed toghether as a PAX and did balls to the wall in between with a countoff

Stop Six:  The big parking lot in lower minges.  Used the light poles as our stops for 5,10,15,20

Stop Seven: The long driveway near the bottom of lower Minges.  Start at the bottom for 5 and run to the top for 10, then to the bottom for 15 and finish at top for 20

Stop Eight:  The Pirate Statue.  5, run the stairs at Murphy Center, 10, run the stairs, 15, run the stairs, 20 run the stairs and sprint back to the flag

615am – Finished

Prayer Requests:  F3 Band Camp; Back to School; Shooting in Florida

Announcements:  Hometown & Skipper have a dual Q at Run Strong Tuesday; Tiny Beers has his VQ at Boyd Lee Wednesday; Pirate Radio Party Thursday night at 7pm (bring your M); Check the website for upcoming events and schedules

Moleskin:  Thanks to Bambino for the opportunity to Q.  Myself, Grisham & Better Call Saul headlocked FNG Old Fashioned to come out this morning on Saturday night while having some beers. The topic of F3 comes up a lot and it is always fun when you can get a FNG to post.  As your tailgating, hanging out with friends, etc …. challenge yourself to do some headlocking and continue to grow and expose F3 to more men in our community.  Also challenge yourself to Q a site one morning.  Both are very rewarding

See you next time in the Gloom


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