Hometown hadn’t Q’d in awhile and also hadn’t posted in awhile on Monday. I remembered when I was the Site Q at #TheSchoolYard how awesome it was to have people offer to Q as opposed to having to ask. So, I figured what better way to guarantee a post on a Monday to get the week going then to offer Hat Trick my Q service. So here we are….


Hometown likes DORA but likes to put his spin on it. So we did a mobile DORA 1, 2, 3. We started at the pull up bars at Elmhurst. 100 pull-ups, while partner runs to ramp at school. Next we mosey’d to circle benches closest to gate 5. 200 step ups/box jumps while partner runs to asphalt path (part of greenway). Mosey’d to the bottom of the entrance road that leads to swimming pool. 300 mountain climbers while partner runs up hill and back.

Hometown also likes doing the BLIMP routine but put another little spin on it. BLIMP Suicides. Run to first line of parking spaces in large parking lot at the bottom of Minges, 5 burpees and back to bus shelter. Run to next parking space line and do 10 lunges and so on and so forth…

Prayer Request 

Just the ones on our hearts, none spoken this morning.


If you haven’t Q’d in awhile, offer a site Q your service, I promise it will make their day. Also if you haven’t posted at an AO in awhile, one way to guarantee going is to Q. Good to be back out at Coops Stronghold, this venue has a lot to offer.


TClap |