After Cold Cut asked YHC if he would Q for this Sacred Sunday, I began to think of what I could do to get my 2.0 to come out and join us for an F3 workout. YHC had been putting the EH on him for several weeks. That’s when YHC thought of the Bear Crawl Ultimate game we had played several weeks before. That would be perfect to entice my 2.0 to join us and would be fun for a Sunday workout. YHC told this to the pax before we started and Cold Cut said, “Whatever it takes, Brother”, hence the name. And that’s how we now have YHC’s 2.0, Squirrel, as a new pax member of F3_ENC.

After a quick intro and disclaimer this is how it went.

Start with a prayer


Reach down right leg
Reach down left leg
Reach down the middle
Reach for the sky


Seal Jacks x 15 IC
Good Mornings X 10 IC

The Thang

Mosey to Minges Meadow for Bear Crawl Ultimate Football.
The pax was divided into two teams by a school yard pick. The teams battled in a version of ultimate football where each round was started by a bear crawl race from the sidelines to the ball at midfield to determine who has possession. The scoring team choose an exercise that the other team had to do ten reps of, as the scoring team did five reps. Tclaps to Light Bulb for creating this fun version of the game. Exercises chosen and done after a score were Burpees, Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Peter Parkers, Imperial Walkers, Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpees, WWII Situps, Flutter Kicks, Prayer Squats, and Plank Jacks.

YHC read a quick devotion from Jesus Calling about storing up treasures in heaven and the corresponding scripture, Matthew 6:20-21.


January 23 is family paintball; sign up on Sign up Genius
February 20 is F3ENC 1 year Anniversary Convergence; mark your calendars!
February 27 Conceal & Carry class; communicate with Shrimp or Kingpin
Prayers for Rev’s sister Lisa waiting for lung transplant
Prayers for Cold Cut’s niece Kim Jones for surgery to remove tumors
Prayers for Cold Cut’s family and healing after the death of mother-in-law
Prayers for Steamy’s uncle Bob Brown; upcoming heart surgery
Prayers for Kingpin’s brother-in-law
Skully closed us out in prayer

TClap |