Warm-Up- POA, SSHx15, Good Morningx10, Arm circlesx10, MPhelpsx10, 15 4 count merkins.

The Thang- meet between the 2 sets of stairs in front of the Murphy center and perform a set whatever exercise was listed on the paper. half the Pax went up one set while the other went to the other set. came back and did the next exercise. The exercises were squatsx10, merkinsx10, 4 count mountain climberx10, lunges 2 is 1×10, man makersx10, and burpeesx10.

at the tunnel PAX wound take turns doing x5 chicken peckers while everyone held BTTW position. Then we held Peoples chair position wile each pax counted out their birth month.

7s at the hill. catalina wine mixers at the bottom, bear crawl up, carolina dry docks at the top, crawl bear back down.

4 corners at the tennis court- 4 count freddie murcurysx15, flutter kicksx15, mountain climbersx15, imperial walkersx15.

round of mary then 0615!


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